Red Kangaroo

Red Kangaroo   Macropus rufus

Type of Animal:

Scrubland, grassland, desert, bushland, plains, woodland, dunes, savanna, semi-desert

Most of Australia except coastal, wetter areas

Males red & much larger/taller than females. Females have blue-grey coloration. Very wide feet & long tail.

Grasses, succulents, shrubs, leaves, bark, flowering plants, fruit, vegetables

Status in Wild:

Breeding on farms, zoos, & wildlife parks

Mobs consist of dominant male, 3-30 females & joeys, along w/ several subordinate males. During dry season, many mobs come together.

Additional Info:

Female-Blue Flyer

Male-143 lbs
Female-66 lbs
Young-4.5-10 lbs

1 month

Male-6-6.5 ft
Female-4 ft

Body Length:
Male-4.3-5.2 ft
Female-2.8-3.4 ft

Life Span: 
15-20 years

Tail Length:
Male-3.3-3.9 ft
Female-2.1-2.8 ft

Only predators of adult males are dingos & feral dogs. Eagles only prey on females & joeys.

Fights between males normally consist of what looks like boxing. Most fights are highly ritualized & death almost never occurs.

Largest marsupial in the world.

In Australia, they fill niche of deer in America because no hoofed mammals native to Australia.

Can go months w/o drinking due to obtaining water from plants.

Chew cud just like cattle.

They can’t walk backwards.

Can hop 40 mph, jump 6 ft off ground & leap 29 ft off ground.

Kangaroos shot by farmers because of competition w/ sheep for grazing.

Females faster due to smaller size.

Harvested, not farmed, for meat & skin.

Fun Fact(s):
Joeys jump head first into mom’s pouch when frightened.

Kangaroo pictured on Australian coat of arms & Australian dollar coin.

Females can determine sex of offspring.

When joey born in pouch, it’s as small as a lima bean. Joeys remain in pouch for 5 months.

Some males become aggressive in breeding season & are able to severely injure person w/ kick. Other than that, kangaroos docile & gentle animals.

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