ANIMAL: Long-Tailed Weasel Mustela frenata Type of Animal: Mustelid Habitat: Woodlands, thickets, grassland, farmland, suburbs, light forest, scrub forest, chaparral, desert, shrubland, thick bush Location(s): S Canada, much of Continental US except for parts of SW, most of Mexico except for NW part (though some found in far N Baja), C America, W Colombia, NW Brazil-E Colombia-S Venezuela border area, N Venezuela, C Ecuador, C Peru, & small part of Bolivia Appearance: Dorsal fur brown in summer, underbelly whitish w/ yellow/buff tinge, black tip tail, becomes white in winter in more northern climes w/ yellow tints, some in Florida & SW have white or yellow facial markings, eyes black during day, emerald green at night, long body/neck, short legs Food/Diet: Mice, voles, rats, rabbits, hares, chipmunks, gophers, squirrels, shrews, moles, birds up to size of chickens & ducks, insects, snakes, crayfish, fruit, berries, bird eggs, earthworms, bats, fish, amphibians, lizards, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, turtles, newborn fox kits Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos & nature centers Lifestyle: Solitary Additional Info: Called: Male-Dog/Hob Female-Bitch/Jill Young-Kit Group-Solitary Weight: Male- 10-18 oz Female- 5-9 oz Young- 0.31 oz Gestation: 10 months Life Span: 5 years Body Length: Male- 1.5-1.7 ft Female- 0.95 ft Tail Length: Male- 7-8 in Female- 3.75 in Main predators are raptors, foxes, coyotes, snakes, bobcats, cats, & dogs. Breeding season usually mid-summer w/ implantation being delayed & egg not developing until early spring w/ births occurring in mid-spring. Females have anything from 1-12 kits in a litter. Weasels weaned at around a month, & leave at around 3 months. Females sexually mature at 3 months, males at around 10 months. 1 male’s territory covers several female territories. More nocturnal, but sometimes active during the day. Uses many different vocalizations, such as squeals, squeaks, trills, & purrs. Also called the bridled weasel or big stoat. Fun Fact(s): Due to high metabolism, they can eat up to 40% of body weight in single day. Its thin body is perfect for getting into rodent burrows. Prey killed by quick bite to the base of skull. Beneficial in that they eat rodents but detrimental in that they eat chickens & have been known to kill entire flocks in a single night for caching. Strong smelling musk released when frightened & during breeding season.