ANIMAL: Asian Black Bear/Moon Bear Ursus thibetanus Type of Animal: Bear Habitat: Deciduous forest, brushland, mountains, mountain forest, mixed forest, desert, thornbrush forest, coniferous forest, broadleaf forest, tropical forest, subtropical forest, temperate forest Location(s): Himalayas, Indochina, Kashmir, India, Japan, Taiwan, Nepal, China, Korea, S.E. Siberia Appearance: Also called “Moon Bear” due to white v-shaped chest mark, male has more prominent mane than female & is larger, bell-shaped ears, one of the larger Asian bears. Food/Diet: Ants, termites, beetles, bees, wasps, other insects, insect larvae, spiders, grubs, worms, carrion, refuse, eggs, fungi, nuts, grasses, fruit, honey, herbs, seeds, acorns, cherries, dogwood, grains, bamboo, grapes, berries, monkeys, deer, muntjac, goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, water buffalo, roots, corn, rice, equids, fish, birds especially gamebirds/poultry, rodents, buds, tubers, veggies, mollusks, rabbits, hares, pikas, foxes, otters, & tiger cubs. Males often prey on cubs of own species, brown bear cubs, sloth bear cubs, sun bear cubs & panda cubs. Rare cases of man-eating bears. Status in Wild: Threatened Conservation: Breeding in zoos & wildlife parks. Rescue centers for bile bears. Lifestyle: Solitary, though male-female pairs & sibling groups sometimes seen Additional Info: Called: Male-Boar Female-Sow Young-Cub Group-Sleuth Weight: Male-220-440 lbs Female-110-275 lbs Young-15 lbs Gestation: 6-8 months Height: Male-4.5-6 ft Female-4-5.5 ft Body Length: Male-4.5-6 ft Female-4-5.5 ft Life Span: 20-25 years in wild, up to 35 years in captivity Tail Length: 2.4-3.6 in, same for both sexes Only predators of adults are tigers. Cubs preyed on by male black bears, male brown bears, leopards, snow leopards, clouded leopards, wolves, dholes, large pythons, & lynxes. Threatened due to logging, habitat loss, persecution as livestock killer/crop pest, poaching for gall bladders/paws used in traditional medicine, fur & meat, bear bile farming, killing of mothers so cubs can be sold as pets and/or for bear baiting/dancing/circuses, hunting for sport, & climate change. Bear bile farming most popular in China/Vietnam receives controversy due to cruel treatment of bears & cramped conditions. Rescue centers have been established to take in bile bears. Fights for territory & mates often deadly. Cubs stay w/ mom for 2-3 years. Associated w/ mountain spirits in Japanese culture. They’re known to be excellent climbers. Fun Fact(s): These bears known to be very unpredictable. Females w/ cubs, hungry bears, & wounded bears especially dangerous.