ANIMAL: Nile Crocodile Crocodylus niloticus Type of Animal: Crocodilian Habitat: Rivers, marshes, freshwater swamps, streams (prefers freshwater but can be found in brackish), mangrove swamps, dams, tidal lakes/estuaries, lakes, caves, brackish coastal swamps, coastal waters, marine waters, wetlands, estuaries, tropical savanna, tropical moist forest, dry areas (even desert areas), lagoons, deltas Location(s): Found from SE Egypt down to E South Africa up to Botswana, N Namibia, corners of Angola, E & S Democratic Republic of Congo, SW tip of Republic of Congo, W corner of Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, & SW Cameroon. Also found in other parts of W & C Africa where sometimes interbreeds w/ now separate species West African Crocodile. Also found in W Madagascar, sometimes seen in Comoros & Zanzibar. Formerly found in Seychelles, as far N as Mediterranean coast in Nile Delta & Red Sea coast in Israel, Jordan, & Syria. Introduced in S Florida. Appearance: 2nd largest crocodilian in world, adults dark bronze to olive-gray to yellow-green color above w/ faded blackish spots/stripes, yellowish-green flanks, & yellow belly, juveniles/young gray, brown, dark olive-brown, dark green, or mixture of these colors w/ dark cross-bands & yellowish-green underbelly, individuals in murkier water darker in color. Food/Diet: Fish of all sizes (including fairly large sharks), mammals up to size of giraffes/buffalo/small hippos/small rhinos/juvenile elephants, birds (of all sizes including ostrich), smaller crocs (including of own species), carrion, snakes (including rock pythons), amphibians, insects, crustaceans, snails, turtles/tortoises, humans, lizards, aquatic arachnids, fleshy fruit, basically anything it can catch Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos, aquariums, wildlife parks, & breeding centers Lifestyle: Groups led by dominant male range from 10-50 animals. Juveniles found in groups of their own. Sub-adults found in own groups as well. Additional Info: Called: Male: Bull Female: Cow Young: Hatchling Group: Float/Bask Weight: Male: 330-1,540 lbs Female: 100-551 lbs Young: 3 lbs Gestation: 3 months Life Span: 70-100 years Body Length: Male: 10-18 ft Female: 7-12 ft Young: 2 ft Tail Length: Male: 4-8 ft Female: 3-6 ft Young: 1 ft Lions, leopards, rock pythons, hyenas, & bull sharks take adults sometimes (though crocodiles prey on these species too) in fights to death w/ whoever dies 1st being eaten & smaller adults being preferred, lions only predators routinely taking large adults. Sub-adults as well as young preyed on by adult crocs. Monitor lizards, mongooses, civets, baboons, felids, dogs, pigs, snakes, wading birds, raptors, pelicans, corvids, turtles, large predatory fish, & honey badgers prey on young. Red flour beetles & rats eat eggs. Fights over dominance/food/basking spots sometimes fatal. Dominant males aggressively protect rights to mates, food, & basking spots & get 1st choice. Fun Fact(s): They kill prey by death roll method, in which animal gripped in jaws, dragged into water, w/ croc rotating & turning over & over, still holding prey. These animals are extremely dangerous, possibly killing thousands each year.