ANIMAL: Scissortail Goby/Scissortail Dartfish/Blackfin Dartfish Ptereleotris evides Type of Animal: Goby Habitat: Reefs, outer reef slopes, lagoons, bays, reef-sand interface, sand-rubble areas, found at depths of 10-164.042 ft, areas 3.28-6.56 ft above bottom Location(s): Indo-Pacific Appearance: Small white-headed, blue to silver-bodied fish w/ large dorsal/anal fins, scissor like tail, black edges on fins, large eyes Food/Diet: Brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, zooplankton, planktonic copepods, krill, planktonic amphipods, planktonic larvae, worms Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in aquariums, aquaculture, & zoos Lifestyle: Adults found in male-female pairs, often in proximity to other male-female pairs. Juveniles found in schools of 2-16 fish. Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young: Fry Group: School/Colony Weight: 0.008 oz Gestation: 7-10 days Life Span: 5-8 years Body Length: 4.7-5.5 in They utilize the current to catch their food. When threatened, they’ll dart into holes/under rocks/other small spaces. They’ll burrow in the sand & under rocks. They’re mid-water feeders, eating food as it falls through water column. They’ll also feed off substrate. These are very active fast fish. These fish are very shy in the wild. Utilize rock areas/sand as shelter. Like many gobies, they have a very active metabolism. Pairs spawn multiple times per month & can spawn all year round. They’ll utilize burrows/holes if threatened & also rely on their speed. They don’t dig own holes but utilize those made by other creatures. Active during the day (diurnal). Each spawning results in hundreds of eggs being laid. Eggs hatch as planktonic larvae. Fun Fact(s): Scissor-tail name comes from tail shape & dartfish name comes from habit of darting around. These fish rather difficult to breed in captivity. Gets name due to scissor-like tail. They’re fairly easy to care for. They’ll jump when frightened & if kept in aquariums, need a tightly sealed tank. These fish come w/ many other names-Twotone Dartfish, Blackfin Dart Goby, Arrow Goby, Blackfin Goby, Black Scissor Dartfish, Scissortail, Hover Goby, Sailfin Hovergoby, Spot-Tail Gudgeon, & Worm Goby.