Rosyface Shiner

Rosyface Shiner Notropis rubellus

Type of Animal:

Clear waters w/ moderate to fast current over gravel/rock/rubble/sand: creek pools, small river pools, creek riffles, riffles in small rivers, in/around riffles of moderate-sized to large streams, deeper stream pools, stream eddies, swifter areas of large & moderate-sized streams, riffles at pool heads, creeks

C & E US as well as small parts of SE Canada

Small spindle-shaped fish w/ silvery sides, transparent fins, blue & green lateral iridescent stripes, pointed snout, forked tail fin, breeding males have rosy faces, breeding females show minimal red, pectoral/pelvic fins in abdominal region

Insects, insect larvae, fish eggs, algae, diatoms

Status in Wild:

Population monitoring in certain parts of range

Schools of 12-120 fish

Additional Info:

Young: Fry
Group: School

2.5 days 

Life Span:
2-3 years

Body Length:
Adult: 2-3 in
Young: 0.197 in

Mature at a year old.
Males grow faster before females & often live shorter.
Spawn in schools, vibrating over depression for 5-6 seconds, then stopping for 30 seconds, then repeating cycle for 5 minutes before moving away from spawning riffle. After 10 minutes, fish move back towards spawning riffle.
Females deposit 450-1,500 eggs per spawning season.
Often school w/ other minnow species.
Typically spawn in May & June.
These fish will spawn over nests of other Nocomis species as well as those of Common Shiners & different sunfish species.
Sometimes hybridize w/ other Nocomis species as well as Common Shiners.
In some areas where Silver Shiner present, this species spawns before Silver Shiners avoiding hybridization.
Due to strong preference for clear waters, they may be important indicators of habitat health.

Fun Fact(s):
These fish have been known to jump out of water to catch flying insects.
These fish sometimes used as bait.

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