Queen Angelfish

Queen Angelfish Holacanthus ciliaris

Type of Animal:
Marine Angelfish

Coral reefs, rocky ledges, rocky reefs, seagrass beds, at depths of up to 230 ft

W Atlantic from SE Georgia through Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean all way to S Brazil

Broad flattened oval-shaped body, adults blue w/ yellow scales, electric blue dorsal/anal fins, bright yellow tail, dark ringed crown area on forehead, shades of blue/yellow/purple/orange (very colorful fish), juveniles dark blue w/ vertical white bars, yellow tail, yellow segment around pectoral fins

Sponges, algae, tunicates, jellyfish, corals, plankton, brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, hydroids, bryozoans, vegetable matter, krill, anemones, seaweed, clams, squid, fish. Juveniles clean parasites/loose scales off larger fish as well as adult diet.

Status in Wild:

Breeding in aquariums & aquaculture

Adults found in small harems of a male w/ 1-4 females or alone, juveniles more solitary

Additional Info:

Young: Fry
Group: School

Male: 3.5 lbs
Female: 2.8 lbs

1 day

Life Span:
15 years

Male: 8 in
Female: 6 in

Body Length:
Male: 1.46 ft
Female: 1.1 ft
Young: 0.8 in

Main predators are larger fish, sharks, & marine mammals.

Courtship involves male showing side to female & flicking pectoral fins at her.

Eggs/sperm released into water column simultaneously, then swimming in circles & rising in water.

Larvae reach juvenile stage at 1 month old.

Juveniles act as cleaner fish, setting up cleaning stations where they remove parasites/loose scales from larger fish-some of these fish even being potential predators. Example of mutualism-juvenile angelfish gets meal & client is healthier.

Active during day (diurnal).

Also called Blue Angelfish, Golden Angelfish, & Yellow Angelfish.

Most often spawn near full moon.

Very popular in aquarium trade.

Females discharge up to 75,000 eggs per day in spawning period. These fish spawn year-round.

Dorsal/ventral fin lends stability in swimming, tail fin helps it propel through water, & pectoral fins for locomotion/side-to-side movement.

These fish secrete skin mucus providing protection against parasites/infections & helping them move through water faster.

Fun Fact(s):
Like all marine angelfish, these fish born female w/ more dominant/larger females becoming males. This most often occurs when no dominant male around so high-ranking female becomes male.

These fish very difficult to breed in captivity.

Sometimes interbreed w/ closely related Bermuda Blue Angelfish in areas where range overlaps. These hybrids known as Townsend Angelfish.

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