Foxface Rabbitfish

Foxface Rabbitfish Siganus vulpinus

Type of Animal:

Lagoons, reefs, rocky reef outcrops

W Pacific from 30 N-30 S Latitude

Yellow fish w/ white-black face markings & foxlike face, becomes duller & mottled at night or when stressed

Algae, zooplankton, seaweed, vegetable matter, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, Zoanthids, button polyps

Status in Wild:

Not applicable

Schools of 2-70 fish, mostly consisting of juveniles/subadults but often w/ adults as well, adults often seen in monogamous pairs

Additional Info:

Young: Fry
Group: School

1-2 days 

Life Span:
5 years

Body Length:
Adult: 6-10 in
Young: 2 in

Due to venomous spines, they’re rarely on the menu for larger fish.
Also called Foxface, Foxface Lo, Common Foxface, Yellow Foxface Rabbitfish, Black-Face Rabbitfish, Spinefeet (due to venomous spines on dorsal/anal/pelvic fins), & Badgerfish.
Can utilize camouflage as a survival strategy.
They play key role in controlling algae populations.
They’re pelagic spawners, meeting high in water column & dispersing eggs into currents.
Often use moon phases & tidal motions to coordinate breeding behavior.
These fish extremely difficult to breed in captivity.
Active during the day (diurnal).
Get rabbitfish name due to rabbit-like mouth.
These fish are rather shy.
Skin mucus/slime provides protection against parasites/infections & helps fish move through water faster.
Dorsal/ventral fins lend stability, tail fin helps fish propel through water, & pectoral fins are for locomotion & side-to-side movement.
Sometimes confused w/ closely related species.
They’re rather active fish.

Fun Fact(s):
Stings from venomous spines are painful & these fish should be handled w/ caution. However, these only used in defense.
Very popular in aquarium trade but not for beginner aquarists. Probably most common rabbitfish species in trade.
Occasionally used as food fish.

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