ANIMAL: Flame Angelfish Centropyge loricula Type of Animal: Marine Angelfish Habitat: Coral reefs & foreslopes, clear lagoons, stony clear lagoon reef patches, seaward reefs, outer reef slopes, stony coral reef faces, inshore areas, found from lower surge zone to 197 ft deep Location(s): W & C Pacific as well as Indo-Pacific Appearance: Bright orange-red w/ vertical elongated black spot & 4-5 bars on sides, deep blue-purple fin edges, small angelfish species Food/Diet: Spirulina, algae, diatoms, nori, seaweed, vegetables, crustaceans, clams, mussels, squid, plankton Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in aquariums, aquaculture, & zoos. Captive breeding reducing demand for wild-caught fish. Lifestyle: Harems of a male w/ 2-6 females or solitary Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young: Fry Group: School Weight: Male: 2.8 oz Female: 2.6 oz Gestation: 1-2 days Life Span: 5-7 years Body Length: Male: 3.5-4.5 in Female: 2.6-3.9 in Young: 1 in Males extremely territorial & will fight to death w/ rival males. Females often show territoriality as well but not nearly as intensely as males. These fish have very high metabolism. When fry hatch, they spend a month as microscopic larvae. Juvenile stage reached at 3-4 months old. Sometimes hybridize w/ other members of Centropyge genus. They’re broadcast spawners, releasing eggs/sperm simultaneously into water column. Single female can release thousands of eggs. Skin mucus provides protection against parasites/infections as well as allowing them to move faster. Also called Red Angelfish, Flaming Angelfish, Dwarf Flame Angelfish, & Japanese Pygmy Angelfish. Typically spawn at dusk. These fish very active. These fish are rather shy. Maturity reached at 8-12 months old. These fish very sensitive to copper levels. Fun Fact(s): Like many marine angelfish, they’re difficult to breed in captivity. One of most popular dwarf angelfish species among saltwater aquarium hobbyists & one of the easiest to keep. Like all marine angelfish, females can change sex to males. In this genus (Centropyge)-all born female w/ largest/most dominant females becoming males. If no male around, largest most dominant female simply becomes male. Males that lose rank can revert to being female if more dominant male comes along. Sex change can last up to 2 months.