Banded Archerfish

Banded Archerfish Toxotes jaculatrix

Type of Animal:

Estuaries, brackish waters around/in mangroves, mangrove swamps, brackish coastal waters, lakes, rivers, river mouths, water areas around overhanging vegetation, reefs, streams, ponds w/ dense growth of marginal and/or overhanging vegetation, freshwater inland areas, prefers brackish but well at home in fresh & salt water as well


Silver to silvery white (often silvery-yellow, olive-green, or brownish above) oblong-shaped fish w/ broad black bars on dorsal side, large eyes, large upward pointing mouth

Insects, insect larvae, worms, zooplankton, floating vegetable matter, plant matter, crustaceans, fish, spiders, pollen, flower buds, pulpy fruit

Status in Wild:

Monitoring collection for aquarium trade & monitoring human use of mangroves

Schools of 3-25 fish

Additional Info:

Young: Fry
Group: School

8 oz

12 hours

Life Span:
2-3 years in wild, 5-8 years in captivity

Body Length:
6-12 in

Main predators are larger fish, birds, & reptiles.

They use eyes to aid in aim.

These fish often feed & hunt together.

These fish feed near the surface.

During spawning, females lay anything from 3,000-150,000 eggs. Heavy rains trigger spawning.

These fish raise tongue against mouth roof forming tube, then gill covers quickly close forcing water along tube enabling fish to spit.

Younger fish spend most of their time in brackish water while adults more adaptable. 

These fish reach maturity at a year old.

These fish breed in any kind of water.

These fish are extremely difficult to breed in captivity.

Fun Fact(s):
These fish learn hunting technique by watching other fish in school.

These fish get name from ability to take prey both underwater & above water by spitting “arch” of water at it as well as for their shooting abilities.

These fish can squirt up to 7 times in quick succession w/ water jets being able to reach up to 9.8 ft away but they’re only accurate at 3.3-4.9 ft. Smaller fish jets only reach around 8 inches.

These fish can even jump up to a foot to catch their prey.

WWII submarine USS Archerfish named after this fish.

In captivity, these fish sometimes forget how to hunt if not given option to shoot and/or if hand fed.

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