ANIMAL: Australian Redclaw Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus Type of Animal: Crayfish Habitat: Freshwater habitats but sometimes found in brackish water-creeks, coastal streams, slower-moving upper reaches of rivers/lakes, lagoons, still ponds, isolated rock pools, fast-flowing rivers, billabongs, highly turbid slow-moving streams, permanent streams, coastal lakes, rocky cave habitats Location(s): Native to Australia & Papua New Guinea. Introduced in parts of Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Zambia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina, Cuba, Israel, S California, & Iberian Peninsula. Appearance: Deep blue to blue-green to green smooth lustrous shell, males have bright red to orangish coloration on margins of large claws, bluer in color in cleaner water while greener in brackish and/or dirtier water, very large crayfish species, males larger than females Food/Diet: Detritus, aquatic plants, macrophytes, algae, vegetables, zooplankton, brine shrimp, water fleas, carrion, worms, insect larvae, insects, snails, bacteria, fungi, fruit. Juveniles may eat smaller juveniles. Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Not applicable Lifestyle: Colonies of 5-60 w/ more females than males Additional Info: Called: Male: Cock Female: Hen Young: Crayling Group: Colony Weight: Male: 4-17 oz Female: 2-14 oz Gestation: 1.5-2.5 months Life Span: 4-5 years Body Length: Male: 7-9 in Female: 4-7 in Young: 0.5 in Main predators are fish, birds, & water rats. This species is farmed worldwide-especially in warmer climates. This species has been invasive in many areas where introduced due to high adaptability, high reproductive rate, rapid growth, generalist diet, high potential for escapees from farms as well as from aquariums, competition w/ native animals, & spread of viruses/bacteria/diseases. Also called Redclaw Crayfish, Redclaw, Queensland Redclaw, Freshwater Blueclaw Crayfish, Tropical Blue Crayfish, Freshwater Lobster, North Queensland Yabby, Blue Lobster, & Queensland Marron. Single female produces 300-800 eggs per brood & can easily produce 3-5 broods in single breeding season. Large females can produce 1,000 eggs. Sexually mature at 3-5 months. Craylings may stay w/ mom for up to a month. Mating consists of male depositing spermatophore on female’s underside, from which sperm fertilizes eggs within 24 hours. These animals are most active in the evening. Fun Fact(s): This species did not become popular in aquaculture outside of native range until late 1980s. Besides being farmed for meat, they’re also bred for aquarium trade. This species desired in aquaculture due to social nature, nondestructive habits, & rarity of cannibalism (especially in adults). Like other crayfish, they’re excellent escape artists.