ANIMAL: Asian Fairy Bluebird Irena puella Type of Animal: Songbird Habitat: Evergreen/semi-evergreen forest, humid forest, deciduous forest, forest edge, moist hill forest, rainforest, plantations, monsoon forest Location(s): From much of India, Sri Lanka, Himalayan foothills, Indochina, Palawan, parts of Indonesia/Malaysia Appearance: Mature male ultramarine-blue w/ some black & glossy coloration, females & young males dull blue-green & drabber than mature males. Both sexes have red irises. Food/Diet: Fruit especially figs, nectar, berries, insects, mealworms, insect larvae Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos & aviculture Lifestyle: Small flocks of up to 10 birds. Breaks off into pairs for breeding/nesting season. Additional Info: Called: Male-Cock Female-Hen Young-Chick Group-Flock Weight: Male-1.92-2.72 oz Female-1.76-2.56 oz Gestation: 13 days Height: 3.84 in Body Length: Male-10.8 in Female-10.56 in Life Span: 10-12 years in wild, up to 15 years in captivity Tail Length: 1.92 in Main predators are hornbills, bears, gibbons, civets, felines, snakes, raptors, monitor lizards, & crocodilians. Pigs prey on chicks. Possibly declining due to logging, habitat loss, pet trade, & persecution by farmers due to eating fruit of coffee plants. Song consists of loud, melodious whistling call. Chicks leave nest at about 1.5 months old. Female builds nest & incubates but both parents help take care of chicks. Tend to breed in most humid areas of the forest. Sexually mature at 1 year old. These birds are mostly sedentary. They often bathe in forest streams during hottest part of day. Plays role as seed disperser due to fruit-eating habits. Fun Fact(s): They’re not closely related to the bluebirds in North America. These birds known to be very shy in the wild. Green moss in nests helps camouflage nest/young. They often catch insects in mid-air.