Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad

Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad Bombina orientalis

Type of Animal:

Streams, wetlands, ponds, pools, paddy fields, springs, ditches, puddles, lakes, bogs, marshes, mixed forest, mixed coniferous-broadleaf forest, coniferous forest, broadleaf forest, open meadows, river valleys, swampy bushland, swamps, high elevation deciduous forest, spruce forest, pine forest, leafy forest

Korea, NE China, SE Russia. Introduced population near Beijing.

Bright green w/ black mottling in dorsal region, complexion can darken to brown/black depending on background scenery, bright yellow to red (typically bright reddish-orange) ventral region mottled w/ dark brown to black, males smaller than females

Adults/toadlets eat insects, insect larvae, worms, mollusks, springtails, spiders, & guppies. Tadpoles eat detritus, algae, fungi, plants, & protozoans.

Status in Wild:

Breeding in zoos, aquariums, & herpetoculture

Groups of 6-60 toads, more males than females typically seen at breeding sites

Additional Info:

Young: Tadpole
Group: Knot

Male: 1 oz
Female: 2 oz
3-10 days 

Life Span:
12-20 years

Body Length:
Male: 1.5 in
Female: 2 in
Young: 0.69 in

Main predators are birds, fish, larger amphibians, snakes, foxes, cats, & lizards.
Breeding seasons lasts from mid-May to July.
Mating typically occurs at night w/ male grasping female just in front of hind limbs (amplexus).
Males float on top of water w/ legs splayed, calling w/ sound similar to gentle tapping of musical triangle-“ting ting” sound lasting only 15 seconds.
Females deposit 35-260 eggs either individually or in small clumps each season.
Skin poisonous, being harmful if rubbed in eyes/mouth/on broken skin. Hands should always be washed before/after handling. Nonetheless, they’re very popular pets.
Hatch out as tadpoles, w/ hind legs breaking through at 3 weeks old, & “arms” appearing a week later. At 5 weeks old, they metamorphose from tadpoles to toadlets, reaching maturity at 6 months old. When tadpole gills change to lungs, also grows feet & tail shrinks. Once it reaches toadlet stage, tail is gone.
They hibernate from late September to mid-May-long hibernation due to cold climate.
When in danger, they’ll arch back or even flip on back exposing brightly colored belly.
Also called Chinese Fire-Bellied Toad, Bombina Toad, & Tuti Toad.

Fun Fact(s):
Frogs/toads don’t give people warts-warts caused by human papillomaviruses.
Males work themselves into such a frenzy during breeding season, they’ll attach themselves to other male toads, other frog/toad species, newts, floating twigs, plants, fish, & even human fingers.
Unlike many other frogs/toads, they can’t extend tongues. To feed, they leap forward & catch prey w/ mouths.
Though called toads, they’re technically frogs & most closely related to Painted Frogs & Midwife Toads.

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