Indian Giant Forest Scorpion

Indian Giant Forest Scorpion Gigantometrus swammerdami

Type of Animal:

Rainforest, especially in/around degraded/semi-degraded termite mounds, tree holes, abandoned rat/crab holes, under rocks/logs, abandoned burrows, & tree notches. Also utilize abandoned rat/crab holes in bunds of agricultural fields. 

India & Sri Lanka

Largest scorpion in the world, adults reddish brown to reddish black scorpion, juveniles reddish w/ yellow stinger, large pincers

Insects, spiders, & other scorpions (including each other)

Status in Wild:

Breeding from zoos & breeders


Additional Info:

Young: Scorpling
Group: Solitary

Male: 1.5-1.7 oz
Female: 1.8-2 oz

5-8 months

Life Span:
5-8 years

Body Length:
Male: 5-7 in
Female: 8-9 in

Tail Length:
Male: 2.5-3.5 in
Female: 4-4.5 in

Main predators are predatory birds, mammals, & lizards.

Must predigest food before eating, so they secrete digestive enzymes onto prey, liquefying it.

Active at night (nocturnal).

Like most scorpions, they’re ovoviviparous, w/ eggs hatching inside mom before coming out as live young.

Like all scorpions, use sensory hairs to detect ground/air vibrations.

Poor eyesight but good hearing & sense of touch.

Scorplings stay w/ mom for 1st 3-4 weeks of life. Mom carries young on her back.

Scorplings leave mom after 1st molt.

Reach maturity at a year old.

Scorplings molt several times before maturity.

During courtship, male grasps female, holding/pushing her around until he finds suitable mating spot. When he finds spot, he deposits sperm onto substrate & pulls her over his sperm. 

These scorpions occasionally appear in the pet trade.

They typically hide during the day.

Fun Fact(s):
These scorpions can go a whole year w/o eating.

These scorpions can remain survive for up to 2 days underwater.

Since they’re large scorpions, adults prefer defending themselves/killing prey w/ nonvenomous pincers rather than venomous stinger. Juveniles rely more on stinger. While painful, sting isn’t deadly unless someone’s allergic.

Like all scorpions, they can glow under UV light.

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