ANIMAL:Siberian Lynx Lynx wrangeli
Type of Animal:
Forest (closed & open), woodlands, mixed forest-steppe, tundra, alpine tundra, rocky barren areas above mountain tree lines, agricultural areas, rocky areas, temperate grassland, rocky outcroppings
E Siberia
Largest of all lynx, noticeable ear tufts like all lynx, short bobbed tails, fur mane around face, wide webbed paws, thick fur coat, silver-gray to grayish-brown coat
Deer (including reindeer & moose/elk), musk deer, wild/domestic pigs, pikas, hares, rabbits, rodents, domestic/feral cats, goats, foxes, birds, martens, sheep, carrion, bear cubs, dogs
Status in Wild:
Breeding in zoos & wildlife centers
Solitary, male-female pairs, or sibling groups of 2-3
Additional Info:Called:
Male: Tom
Female: Queen
Young: Kitten
Group: Clowder/Pounce
Male: 66 lbs
Female: 46 lbs
Young: 7 lbs
2 monthsLife Span:
12 years in wild, 17-20 years in captivity
Male: 3 ft
Female: 2.5 ft
Body Length:
Male: 3.6 ft
Female: 3.2 ft
Tail Length:
Male: 9 in
Female: 6 in
Main predators are wolves, tigers, leopards, & wolverines.
Highly territorial, w/ fights sometimes resulting in death.
Sexually mature at 1.5-2 years old. Females mature before males.
Highly valued for fur.
Litters usually have 1-3 kittens.
Large fur-covered paws help them navigate deep snow.
Breed from February-April.
Males & females w/o kittens breed once a year, females w/ kittens breed every 3 years.
They hunt by stealth.
While they don’t make much noise often, males scream/shriek in breeding season. Males growl deeply while females make loud meows in courtship. Also purr, mew, & hiss/spit (when threatened).
Very shy & secretive in wild, being able to go undetected for years.
Fun Fact(s):
Name lynx may stem from Messenian prince/Argonaut Lynceus in Greek mythology, said to be so sharp-sighted he could see through earth. Lynx have excellent eyesight, being able to spot prey 250 ft away. Besides excellent eyesight, ear tufts enhance excellent hearing.
Can consume 2.2-5.5 lbs of meat per day.
Can jump 6.5 ft in air to catch birds.
Sometimes compete w/ other animals like wolves, bears, tigers, leopards, wolverines, foxes, wild boar, golden eagles, & Eurasian eagle owls over food items. Boar scavenge from lynx kills while big cats, wolves, bears, & wolverines often steal their kills. Lynx defend kills fiercely.
While mostly shy, they’re highly dangerous when cornered or female defending kittens.