ANIMAL: Nubian Goat Capra hircus Type of Animal: Goat/Sheep Habitat: Farms, fields, savanna, desert, scrub, grassland Location(s): Originates in S. Egypt/N. Sudan region of Nubia. Now found on farms all over Africa, N. America, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, W. Europe, Middle East, & India. Appearance: Coloration ranges from black to brown to red to gray to tan. Has distinct “Roman” nose and floppy ears. Usually lacks horns. Food/Diet: Alfalfa, clover hay, oats, timothy hay, barley, corn, grain, grass, shrubs Status in Wild: Domesticated Conservation: Breeding on farms. Bred for milk, hide, & meat. Lifestyle: Herds of 15-500 Additional Info: Called: Male-Buck Female-Doe Young-Kid Group-Herd Weight: Male-175 lbs Female-135 lbs Young-35-40 lbs Gestation: 5 months Height: Male-2.9 ft Female-2.5 ft Body Length: 3 ft Life Span: 10-15 years Tail Length: 0.5 ft Main predators are lions, pythons, wild dogs, hyenas, cheetahs, chimps, crocodilians, jaguars, bears, coyotes, wolves, leopards, cougars, servals, bobcats, caracals, feral/domestic dogs, eagles, & wild pigs (sometimes take adults but have strong preference for kids). Foxes, feral cats, owls, large hawks, ravens, & black vultures prey on kids. Sexually mature at 4.5-5 months old. They eat large quantities of food quickly to reduce foraging time, thus reducing risk of predation. Often used as pack animals to push carts. They’re known to be very hardy & tolerant of all kinds of weather. These goats were first domesticated in ancient Egyptian times. Does usually give birth to twins but singles & triplets also common. Intact bucks produce a very musky odor during rut (breeding season). They have great peripheral vision. Fun Fact(s): Goat’s milk is more digestible than cow’s milk. Nubian does can produce up to 1,500 lbs of milk a year. This breed of goat is known to be very friendly. Known to be a fairly intelligent breed.