ANIMAL: Lowland Anoa Bubalus depressicornis Type of Animal: Cattle Habitat: Lowland forest, swamps, riverine forest Location(s): Sulawesi Appearance: Stocky body, bull darker than cow, sharp triangular-like horns on both sexes but longer on bull, young are brown, bull has thicker neck, 2nd smallest wild cattle species after Mountain Anoa. Food/Diet: Grasses, ferns, young banana trees, moss, bark, fruit, herbs, leaves, marsh plants, aquatic plants, saplings, palms, ginger Status in Wild: Endangered Conservation: Breeding from zoos, wildlife parks, & breeding centers Lifestyle: Solitary or male-female pairs, though cows sometimes found in pairs or trios Additional Info: Called: Male-Bull Female-Cow Young-Calf Group-Herd Weight: Male-660 lbs Female-550 lbs Gestation: 9-10 months Life Span: 20 years in wild, up to 30 years in captivity Height: Male- 0.88-1.2 ft Female- 0.59-0.85 ft Body Length: Male-6 ft Female-5.5 ft Tail Length: 1.3 ft Adults have no predators. Calves preyed on by large pythons & civets. Endangered due to logging, habitat loss, hunting for horns/meat/sport, & use of skull/horns in traditional medicine. Fights between bulls sometimes result in death. Bulls mark territory by horning trees & scratching soil after urinating. Sexually mature at 2 years old. They’ve been known to frequent salt licks. Often uses muddy areas to cool off in heat of day as well as to protect themselves from insects. Most closely related to water buffalo though some scientists think they’re even more closely related to highly endangered saola/Vu Quang Ox from Annamite Range of Vietnam & Laos. Usually crepuscular or nocturnal. Due to diet, play important role as seed dispersers. They’re extremely secretive in the wild, meaning much more is to be learned. Short horns point backwards so they don’t get tangled in undergrowth. Fun Fact(s): Sometimes called midget buffalo & sapiutan. They’ve been recorded drink seawater in areas where mineral spring water & salt licks are scarce. They’ve been known to be very good swimmers. Though small, they’re known for their fierce temper. The word “anoa” means buffalo in Sulawesi.