ANIMAL: Black-Handed/Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey Ateles geoffroyi Type of Animal: New World Monkey Habitat: Tropical forest Location(s): S. Mexico & C. America Appearance: Orangish belly, black lower arm & back, brown head, grayish upper body, long legs/arms, prehensile tail. Food/Diet: Fruits, leaves, seeds, flowers, roots, bark, decaying wood, honey, buds, insect larvae, insects, eggs, arachnids Status in Wild: Endangered Conservation: Breeding in zoos & wildlife centers Lifestyle: Troops of 10-30, often breaking into smaller subgroups. Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young-Infant Group-Troop Weight: Male-16.3-19.8 lbs Female-13.2-17.6 lbs Young-4.4 lbs Gestation: 7.5 months Height: Male-1.83 ft Female-1.81 ft Body Length: Male-1.3-2 ft Female-1-1.5 ft Life Span: 27-30 years Tail Length: Male-2.3-2.8 ft Female-2-2.5 ft Main predators are jaguars, pumas, eagles, large snakes & crocodilians. When territory invaded by other troop of equal size, deadly battles occur w/ much noise and bloodshed. If other troop is larger or smaller, only noise or posturing occurs. Endangered due to deforestation, hunting for meat, pet trade, habitat loss, & disease. Sexually mature at 4-5 years old. Only close bond in troop is between female and infant. When sexually mature, members of both sexes will stay or disperse. Even though they’re endangered, they breed readily in captivity. Territory marked by noise, urine, & secretions from chest glands. They lack opposable thumbs. Fun Fact(s): Spanish name for spider monkey is “mono arana.” They get name because they look like spiders when hanging onto branches. Like most primates, they don’t make good pets. Due to active swinging nature, often known as “trapeze artists” of animal world. They’re often heard before being seen. Spider monkeys can be dangerous if territory invaded & sometimes mob-attack people that invade territory. Other than that, they’re fairly relaxed.