ANIMAL: Timber/Canebrake Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus Type of Animal: Viper Habitat: Upland forests (open/closed), woodlands, rocky areas, cane thickets, swampland, floodplains, hardwood forest (open/closed), pine forest (open/closed), mountainous areas, rural areas, hilly areas, deciduous forest (open/closed), hilly thickets, moist lowland forest (open/closed), grassy open slopes, ridges, fields/field edges, river bottoms, hardwood hammocks, pine flatwoods, prairie, rock slides, grassland, quarries/mines & edges, marsh/pond/river edges, streamsides, dead tree hollows, heavy timber, wooded/forested hillsides, pine savanna, meadows, riverbanks, river bars, hedgerows, abandoned buildings, dirt/old paved roads, railroad embankments, creek banks, coastal plains, riparian areas Location(s): Found in E Texas, E Oklahoma, E Kansas, SE Nebraska, S & E Iowa, SE Minnesota, SW Wisconsin, W & S Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, border areas of N Florida, Tennessee, S Carolina, most of N Carolina, Kentucky except NC part, S Indiana, SC Ohio, W Virginia, W & N Virginia, W Maryland, New Jersey except C part, most of Pennsylvania, S & E New York, & S New England w/ pocket population in CN Ohio. Appearance: Young lighter gray, solid velvet looking black tail, black chevrons on back/sides, timber form brown, yellowish, or black (melanism very common), canebrake form (more common down south) gray w/ pink hue & pinkish, yellow, orange, or brown stripe on back, transverse color bands, darkens w/ age w/ old males being the darkest. Food/Diet: Mice, rats, moles, voles, shrews, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, weasels, songbirds, grouse, bobwhites, ducklings, turkey poults, other snakes (including smaller members of own species), amphibians, baby alligators, bats, lizards, carrion, insects Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos & reptile centers Lifestyle: Solitary or groups of up to 15 snakes Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young-Snakelet Group-Rhumba Weight: Male-2.72 lbs Female-2.57 lbs Gestation: 4.5 months Life Span: 30 years Body Length: Male-5.5 ft Female-3.63 ft Young-1.5 ft Tail Length: 1.5 ft Main predators of adults are alligators, snapping turtles, bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, owls, hawks, falcons, eagles, corvids, indigo snakes, kingsnakes, cats, skunks, raccoons, dogs, otters, & opossums. Turkeys, pigs, larger rattlesnakes, black ratsnakes, & black racers prey on young. Females give birth to 1-20 live young. Males engage in combat dances during breeding season. Fun Fact(s): While highly venomous, they’re very shy & non-aggressive. Hunted for meat, rattles, & skins. May be the rattlesnake on Gadsden Flag saying “Don’t Tread On Me.”