Amazon/Garden Tree Boa

Amazon/Garden Tree Boa Corallus hortulanus/hortulana

Type of Animal:

Tropical forest, flooded forest, dry forest, woodland, scrub forest, savanna, riversides, plantations, sugarcane fields, fruit orchards, grassland, river/oxbow edge trees

S Colombia, S Venezuela, Guiana Shield, Brazil, E Ecuador, E Peru, N Bolivia

2 main phases-garden phase boas have drabber coloration (usually brownish, olive, olive-brown, black, gray, or mix of these), colored phase boas have combo of red/yellow/orange or one of these colors dominates, coloration highly variable, cream to reddish brown ventral area but fairly variable, slender thin build, proportionally large head (often striped) w/ large bulging eyes, long prehensile tail, several different color morphs
Birds, bats, rodents, mouse opossums, frogs, lizards, insects

Status in Wild:

Breeding in zoos, wildlife centers, & herpetoculture


Additional Info:

Young: Snakelet
Group: Solitary

Male: 1 lb
Female: 3 lbs
6-8 months 

Life Span:
15-20 years

Body Length:
Male: 5 ft
Female: 6-7 ft
Young: 2.95 ft

Tail Length:
Adult: 11.4-12 in
Young: 4.69-4.96 in

Main predators of adults are raptors, boa constrictors, felids, crocodilians, & monkeys. Smaller monkeys eat young.
Like most boas, they’re ovoviviparous, w/ eggs hatching internally, resulting in 5-20 live young.
Most active at night but occasionally hunt during the day.
They’re highly arboreal.
They’re ambush predators.
Like all boas, they kill prey by constricting/swallowing whole.
Use thermal receptor pits around mouth to detect prey.
Males sexually mature at a year old, females at 2 years old.
When hunting at night, they use heat pits. On daytime hunting occasions, they use vision.
1st shed occurs 1-2 weeks after birth.
Often seen in curled position in trees.
Variation in patterns may be due to variety of habitats they live in serving as camouflage.
Males highly combative w/ fights sometimes resulting in death.

Fun Fact(s):
Often called ATBs in herpetoculture.
Also called Common Tree Boa & Macabrel.
These snakes can be quite defensive & often aggressive, not hesitating to strike/bite w/ long needle-like teeth. Another defense mechanism is to whip tail/release musk. Not a snake for 1st time snake owner or the faint of heart. Males sometimes use vestigial pelvic spurs in defense. Spurs more often used in mating.
Amazon tree boa, stock photo

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