ANIMAL: Bearded Barbet Lybius dubius Type of Animal: Barbet Habitat: Savanna, wooded grassland, thickets, woodland, forest edge Location(s): W. & C. Africa Appearance: Prominent grooved bill w/ ‘teeth’ & prominent bristles under beak, red breast w/ black feather band separating upper/lower breast. Sexes look very similar, except female has black spots on white flank patch. Food/Diet: Fruit, insects, berries Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos & aviculture Lifestyle: Found in small parties of 2-6 birds Additional Info: Called: Male-Cock Female-Hen Young-Chick Group-Party Weight: 2.72-3.68 oz Gestation: 15-20 days Height: 9.84 in Body Length: 9.84 in Life Span: 10 years Tail Length: 3.6 in Main predators are leopards, snakes, monkeys, raptors, lions, chimps, pigs, dogs, caracals, cats, & crocodiles. Nests usually made in tree cavities. Closest relatives are toucans. 2nd largest African barbet species. Courtship includes food offerings & vocalizations. Chicks fledge after 40 days. Somewhat shy but rather friendly birds. Their call is a growling scrawk. They’re rather noisy birds. Play important role as seed dispersers. Often use tail feathers as prop when feeding & climbing. Fun Fact(s): Somewhat common in bird trade. Sometimes persecuted as crop pests.