ANIMAL: American White Ibis Eudocimus albus Type of Animal: Ibis Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, coastal estuaries, mangroves/mangrove swamps, flooded pastures, swamps, mudflats, shallow areas, lawns, parks, ponds, mowed grassy areas, tree/shrub areas near brackish/fresh/saltwater, wet areas w/ sparse short vegetation, shallow coastal marshes, muddy pools, flooded fields, rice fields, lake edges, grassy fields, dense thickets, lagoons, coastal lakes, coastal areas, grassland, savanna, found from sea level to 1,640.42 ft Location(s): SE US, coastal Mexico, coastal Central America, Caribbean, NW coast of S America, N Colombia, NW Venezuela. Vagrant throughout continental US & SE Canada as well as interior Mexico. Appearance: White bird w/ pinkish-reddish facial skin/curved bill/legs & black wingtips, males have longer/stouter bills, juveniles brown above/white below w/ streaky brown neck & orange-pink legs/bill, immatures splotchy brown & white w/ light pink bill/legs, immatures look very similar to immature Glossy & Scarlet Ibis Food/Diet: Crustaceans, snails, insects, insect larvae, grubs, amphibians, fish, reptiles, people food, corn, potatoes, watermelon Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Protected by Migratory Bird Treaty Act Lifestyle: Breeding colonies can have 1,000-10,000 birds. Flocks smaller than colonies but often number from 500-7,000 birds. Additional Info: Called: Male: Cock Female: Hen Young: Chick Group: Colony/ Congregation Weight: Male: 1.924-2.78 lbs Female: 1.307-1.899 lbs Young: 0.6 lbs Gestation: 3 weeks Life Span: 12-15 years in wild, 20-25 years in captivity Height: 1.75-2.3 ft, same for both sexes Body Length: 1.75-2.3 ft, same for both sexes Tail Length: 3.7-4.8 in, same for both sexes Main predators of adults are raptors, monkeys, crows, snakes, crocodilians, felids, bears, procyonids, otters, & snapping turtles. Grackles, night-herons, gulls, vultures, opossums, & smaller snakes eat young. Have 2.92-3.41 ft wingspan. Often nest w/ other wading bird species. Bills straight at hatching, curving at around 2 weeks old. Courtship can often be rough, so females approach males in submissive manner during breeding season & greet w/ high-pitched squeal. Males often grab/shake female’s head, sometimes causing her to bleed. They often fly in V-shaped formation. Fun Fact(s): They’re rather bold birds due to often being fed by people. Sometimes hybridize w/ scarlet ibis in areas they meet. University of Miami mascot White Ibis named Sebastian. Legend has it that ibis was chosen due to supposed ability to withstand hurricanes-name of U of Miami sports team.