ANIMAL: Vietnamese Mossy Frog Theloderma corticale Type of Animal: Frog Habitat: Limestone cliffs, tropical/subtropical forest, caves, rocky mountain stream banks, rocky pools, water-filled tree trunk/root holes, hollowed logs in pools, steep rocky cliffs, rocky areas surrounded by water/vegetation, rock crevices on stream banks, man-made reservoirs Location(s): N Vietnam, Guangxi & Hainan areas of China, & parts of Vietnam-Laos border Appearance: Mottled green/brown skin resembling moss, big eyes, black spots, very well camouflaged Food/Diet: Insects, insect larvae, worms Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos, aquariums, & herpetoculture. Potential reintroduction programs into areas where declining. Lifestyle: Small groups of 6-8 frogs Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young: Tadpole/Froglet Group: Army Weight: Male: 1 oz Female: 1.5 oz Gestation: 2 weeks Life Span: 5-6 years in wild, 10-15 years in captivity Body Length: Male: 2.75-3.25 in Female: 3.5-4 in Tadpole: 0.8 in Froglet: 1.3 in Main predators are reptiles, fish, larger amphibians, & bats. Females lay clutches of 6-30 eggs. Male fertilizes eggs as they’re laid or walks over them after being laid. Eggs typically attached to submerged stones/floating vegetation. Metamorphosis from tadpole to froglet lasts 3-8 months. Metamorphosis shorter in warmer water. Froglet stage ends at 10-12 months old, when maturity reached. When metamorphosing, tail becomes stub & front legs develop. Though stable, potential threats are water pollution, pet trade, habitat loss, development, & chytrid fungus. Very shy & secretive in wild. Active at night (nocturnal). Adhesive disks on toes come in handy for climbing trees as well as jumping. Breed from April-June. Males make beautiful hooting calls at night during breeding season. Have excellent vision due to large eyes. Sometimes kept as pets. Usually breed in wet rocky areas & tree crevices/holes. Courtship involves male grasping female from behind (amplexus). Usually hunt 2-3 times a week, primarily relying on camouflage as ambush predators. Fun Fact(s): To swallow food, they pull eyes down into mouth roof helping push food down throat. Fold into ball & play dead when frightened/threatened. Also called Tonkin Bug-Eyed Frogs or Warty Frogs. Ventriloquists of frog world, able to throw voices & make self sound like it’s coming farther away from where it actually is.