Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog Oophaga pumilio

Type of Animal:

Humid forest, premontane forest, plantations, banana groves, abandoned clearings

Ranges from Nicaragua to NW Panama

Small strawberry-colored frog w/ blue on legs, variable dorsal coloration (there’s 15-30 known morphs), large dark eyes

Ants, mites, termites, flies, beetles, millipedes, insect eggs, small crickets, eggs of own species. Tadpoles strictly oophagous eating only unfertilized eggs.

Status in Wild:

Breeding in zoos, aquariums, & herpetoculture

Small groups of 2-8 frogs

Additional Info:

Young: Tadpole
Group: Army
Male: 0.18 oz
Female: 0.49 oz
10 days 

Life Span:
3-6 years in wild, 8-12 years in captivity

Body Length:
Male: 0.67 in
Female: 0.94 in

Due to skin toxins, only a few snakes eat adults.
Active during the day (diurnal).
Females lay 3-5 eggs per clutch.
When tadpoles hatch, female transports them to water-filled location. Each tadpole deposited singly.
Tadpoles stay in tadpole stage for 1-2 months, then metamorphosing into froglets. Froglet stage lasts until 8-10 months old when maturity reached.
They fight by wrestling each other.
Most often deposit eggs in bromeliad axils but sometimes utilize small puddles, tree knots, & even cans.
Both parents play parental role but female plays larger role, providing unfertilized eggs for tadpoles.
Males make low buzz/tick calls to defend territory/attract females.
Females usually initiate mating.
Bright coloration serves as warning to potential predators. Brighter males also more territorial & likely to mate.

Fun Fact(s):
Used in medical research due to skin toxins being possible medicine source.
Also called Strawberry Dart Frog, Strawberry Poison Frog, & Blue Jeans Frog (latter due to blue on legs).
While toxic in wild, they lose much/all of toxicity in captivity due to diet. In captivity, they’re only fed nontoxic prey items, like crickets & fruit flies. In wild, they eat lots of toxic prey.
Hunters use skin toxins on darts & arrows.
To ensure clutch moist, male pees on eggs daily.
Bright coloration serves as warning to potential predators.

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