ANIMAL: Smoky Jungle Frog Leptodactylus pentadactylus Type of Animal: Frog Habitat: Primary lowland forests/edges, secondary lowland forests/edges, tropical/subtropical moist forest, tropical/subtropical premontane/lower montane/montane forests/edges, former forests, streams, temporary ponds, swamps, dry forest, forests near swamps/slow-flowing streams, riverbanks, marshes, rivers, aquaculture ponds Location(s): Ranges from Costa Rica to N South America Appearance: Large robust frogs, large head w/ acutely rounded snout & very prominent tympanum, smooth dorsum/venter skin, slender-tipped fingers/toes, tan to reddish-brown dorsum w/ broad reddish-brown marks on body between yellowish tan dorsolateral folds, dorsal surfaces of limbs tan to reddish-brown w/ narrow transverse brown bars, creamy venter w/ bold dark brown to black mottling, bronze iris, breeding males have very swollen arms, froglets brighter than adults Food/Diet: Arthropods/arthropod larvae, worms, other amphibians (including smaller members of own species), lizards, snakes, birds, eggs, small mammals, vegetation (only tadpoles eat vegetation), algae (only tadpoles eat algae) Status in Wild: Stable Conservation: Breeding in zoos, aquariums, & herpetoculture Lifestyle: Solitary or small harems of a male w/ 1-3 females. Additional Info: Called: Male Female Young: Tadpole Group: Army Weight: Male: 9 oz Female: 12 oz Gestation: 3 days Life Span: 15 years Body Length: Male: 7.1 in Female: 6.9 in Young: 3.3 in Main predators of adults are snakes, crocodilians, & coatis. Ephydrid flies eat eggs & lay own eggs in clutches of this species. Larger individuals prey on smaller individuals. Active at night (nocturnal). Males make loud whistling/hooting calls repeated at 5-10 second intervals. Males grasp females by axillary amplexus, where male clasps behind female’s forelimbs. After mating, as many as 1,000 eggs deposited in large foam nests by backward/forward motions of male’s hind limbs mixing air/water/eggs/secretions into nest, usually deposited in depressions adjacent to water. Tadpoles only stay in tadpole stage for 1st month of life. They’re ambush predators. Males use spikes near thumbs & 2 on chest for clashes w/ other males & for grasping females during mating. Also known as Slender-Fingered Bladder Frog & South American Bullfrog. Fun Fact(s): Though it’s toxic, it’s often eaten due to huge legs & called “chicken of the jungle.” They can last up to 6.5 days w/o water. Known as huwa in Kwaza language spoken in Brazilian state of Rondonia. If picked up/threatened, they’ll secrete toxin (leptodactylin). If in closed room w/ someone handling frog, it may vaporize toxins causing sneezing, eye swelling, & runny nose. People can get rashes/stings from touching them. They’ll also inflate lungs & elevate body on all 4s. Often emit high-pitched scream when grasped.